Nhaji Dotharl

Shieldmaiden // Fiery Spirit // Short temper // Compulsive Snark

Balmung, Crystal

About the Character

5' -- Stocky, muscular build -- Freckles over face and shoulders -- Tattooed forearms

Nhaji - or Galarslan as she is known on the Steppe - is a Xaela woman somewhere in her late twenties. She boasts a fiery spirit and fierce determination forged through a life of struggle.

Professionally an adventurer in the employ of the Crystal Charter, Nhaji takes great pride in her physical ability, a trait often called upon in her line of work. In her free time, her presence is split between Eorzea and Othard, with an effort put in to maintain an occasional presence in the Azim Steppe.

RP Hooks

Adventurer - Nhaji has spent a good deal of time working as an adventurer, selling her sword and shield in service of a common good. Working in a private company, Nhaji isn't a mercenary by any stretch of the imagination, but she's still more than willing to lend a hand for those with a good cause.

Traveller - Nhaji has holdings in Eorzea and the Azim Steppe, so her presence is often split between the two areas. This allows her ample opportunity to travel to different locales.

Xaela - Nhaji is a member of the Dotharl, and is known among them - and other Xaela - as Galarslan. She has only returned to the Steppe in the last year or so, and is still trying to acclimate herself to the culture and its residents. Despite doing all she can to secure a place in her tribe, her mind is not yet made up when it comes to their beliefs.

Pre-Established Connections - I'm open to working with people to create pre-established connections between Nhaji and other characters! Hit me up and we can work something out.


Hey, thanks for taking the time to check out this Carrd!

My presence in-game is somewhat sporadic, especially given my timezone (NZT) but I try to make scheduling work! I'm generally open to tells for impromptu RP, but it works best for me when planned in advance or done over Discord.